Yesterday I was finally home to try one of 3 muffins I brought from the bakery and I must say the Sunflower Seed Harvest Muffins are AMAZING! If you like pumpkin pie or anything of that sort, you'll love these. Very rich stuff though -- I only need 2 bites and the flavour lingers in my mouth.
[Side Note: I found I did take my Hep A shot last year for the Taiwan trip so yesss no unnecessary trip needed to the travel clinic... and no unnecessary pointy thing needed in my arm!]
I ate a very very delicious mango yesterday. Perfect ripeness and sweetness. Mmmm
More about food - M made me a delicious dinner yesterday - a replica The Cheesecake Factory Santa Fe salad (the one I had and loved when I was down there)! It took quite a bit of work to make as you can see with the marinated teriyaki chicken breasts (hidden under the jack cheese) and 2 different salad dressings -- I found the recipe online and she made it and it was yummo and super filling -- we went through 3 rounds to finish it (in a 2.5-3 hour time span I think). We also had some homemade Sangria - I missed out last Sunday unfortch. It was super good too (apparently the type of wine you use really makes it) -- I looove Sangria!
Sangria, ice wine, and champagne have got to be my fav. alcoholic drinks... and malibu + 7up.

Apparently I have 3 sleep stages. When I'm in deep sleep, I move around a lot - twist and stuff... (but I stay on my own side) but I sort of knew that when Nad said she thought I was ignoring her in Calgary haha 'cause I kept on moving and she asked if I was alright and I didn't answer. And then my 2nd stage is when I'm not in deep sleep but not awake either -- napping mode, which is me just breathing (thank goodness I don't snore!)... and my last stage is when I'm partially awake and lying there but you think I'm dead 'cause I'm really still and you can't even hear me breathe.
We finally went to the new Costco on Still Creek Dr. yesterday... apparently the largest in Canada. It was alright -- nothing really different.
Yesterday I got a call from Matchstick which is a company that's about advertising products based on word of mouth. I vaguely remember filling out this survey a month or 2 ago on MP3 players... and if I qualified, they'd call me and I'd have to answer more questions to see if I REALLY qualify for it. Anyway, so after answering 10 min worth of questions, they've qualified me to test out this new MP3 player called the Zune. They said I get to keep it. I'm one out of 300 other Zune-tester participants.

Microsoft launched several campaigns to jump-start the Zune. The company had planned a $100 million campaign to promote Zune with "Music the way it wants to be" as a major theme and “Welcome to the social” as an advertisement tagline.[38] Also, the company had enlisted about 300 “Zune masters” to advertise the device on American college campuses (or Canadian...), to promote the item, and to run Zune-related events as expected. In exchange, they have received free merchandise, including a Zune.
Microsoft announced plans at CES 2008 to release the Zune to Canadian consumers on June 13, 2008, marking the first time it will be available outside the U.S.
So yea - I consider it the Microsoft version of an iPod with the mp3, video, photo viewer, recorder, radio... etc. xept I think it has a few more functions.. not quite sure though... like wireless charging, wireless Zune-to-Zune sharing, and I can sync this MP3 (I'm getting an 8GB one which has a 1.8" screen. I wonder if I can pay the difference and exchange it for the 30GB/80GB 'cause I want the larger screen 3'"/3.2" so I can watch videos and be able to read the subtitles...) w/ my comp and change + add songs wirelessly too. And if I had an Xbox, I could hook the Zune up w/ it and change the songs I'd listen to while playing Xbox games.In return, I have to give them e-mail updates of me using it around Vancouver - who I tell about it, who asks me about it, and I have to write a review about it on my blog and stuff which I plan to do anyway. It seems pretty cool - I've received a few e-mails from and futureshop advertising this new MP3. They're sending it by courier and it should arrive next week. I wonder which colour I'm gonna get. I'm pretty MP3-less right now... I've been using my cell's MP3 function which is annoying 'cause you can't put it on shuffle or even make it continuous -- once the song is over, you have to change it to a different song manually. So yea - I'm a bit excited to get something electronically new.
I sold my black Guess dress yesterday =) Yay!
Whooo Go Koreans! FeetManSeoul

Liebemarlene Vintage introduced me to this site that sells OPI and Essie nailpolish (among many other things) at discounted prices... like for under $5!
These caught my eye.. and I really like their names haha very fitting.

I thought this was funny (and also perfect for me xept I don't like the shades).
No woman wants to ruin her manicure doing dishes, so OPI teamed up with Whirlpool to offer the I Don’t Do Dishes!™ line of Nail Lacquers – perfect for any woman who hates washing dishes, but loves fabulous nails! With these three gorgeous new shades from OPI – I Don’t Do Dishes!, Rinse Charming and More Time for Me – beautiful nails are at your fingertips. The new Whirlpool Gold™ dishwasher with the PowerScour™ option eliminates the need to scrub dishes by hand before washing.
They have the most creative names for their nail polishes! Much more fun than paint chip names.
From their Japanese Collection:
- Have A Tempura Tan-Trum
- Miso Happy With This Colour
- 10K Ginza Gold (Ginza is the a very ritzy district of Tokyo)
- Suzi Sells Sushi By The Seashore
- Let Them Eat Rice Cake
- Don't Be Koi With Me
Canadian Collection:
- Don't Wine... Yukon Do It!
- You Ottaware Purple
- Van-Couvered In Snow
- Nice Colour, Eh?
- Paint Your Toron-Toes Rose
- Polar Bare
Greek Isles Collecton:
- Ti-tan Your Toga!
- To Eros Is Human (haha)
- Don't Socra-tease me!
- Greece Just Blue Me Away
Sat: K-class, meet w/ ppl to sell white lamps, exercise, M's party, sleepover
Sun: Father's Day!!! Noo I have to work: Work 11:30-7:30
Mon: Work 11:30-7:30
Tues: Work 11:30-7:30
Wed: Off - driving lessons
Thurs: Tension Warehouse Sale 12-8:30
Fri: Tension Warehouse Sale 12-7:30
Sat: K-class, Tension Warehouse Sale 2-6