My goodness I didn't think it'd be THAT dead today @ Posh! When I go to work, no matter if I'm 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th server or if I'm doing the room, people are always bustling around, keeping busy and at least half the restaurant is full. I thought it would be busy before everyone went out but I was soo wrong. Anyway, customers were pleasant enough as usual.... but it's always the coworkers that make you take back the "I wish I were home studying" thought on those rare, dead days. Today, one of the highlights (of quite a few) was when Scott came by in his costume after he went out w/ his buddies. LOL he was a cross dresser! I couldn't believe it -- when he came through the door, I thought he was actually kind of pretty in a tranny sort of way until I realized it was him! He even shaved his legs for the occasion haha SO I took some pictures but I lost the transfer cord so no pics for a while. He wore a verrry short jean skirt + this silky deep-back halter... no padding underneath though ahaha I spent about 5-10 minutes trying to get some badly-applied Revlon nailpolish off one of his cross-dresser buddies... let's just say Shopper's Life Essentials nail polish remover + napkins just don't work.
So different working with all girls today too (well, except for Wells)-- usually a mix, though almost always a girl majority. Funfun
I was actually craving sukiyaki while I was working... hopefully tomorrow or next week sometime.
Got my AA long tank dress from Ebay! This is the first time I think I got the sizing wrong from an online purchase (yea I know I should have tried it on in store!) but let's just hope it shrinks.
Apparently LV in Canada is cheaper than the states! Whodathought!
You know, I've been meeting sososo many interesting people recently at school, at work w/ coworkers + customers - it's fascinating to hear what they're all about! And then I meet this dull, uninteresting person (but not deadbeat) today in tutorial... howdoesshelive?
Btw, I think I want a pig as much as a ferret as my next pet... seriously.