Saturday, August 22, 2009

Extreme Fit

I've been uploading videos on Facebook from my trip to Korea.. the longer videos take quite a long time and lag my brother when he plays video games around 1AM. He always comes up and goes, exasperatedly, "are you streaming?!" lol.. well, actually he doesn't say it loudly with the exclamation mark because he's actually very considerately quiet... and I think it's sort of funny how he says it 'cause he says it with a sort of smile yet you can tell that he's "mad". Sooo I compromised and he brought me up a cup of water and I stopped loading videos. Tadaaaa haha but then he lays down the rules: no uploading, no streaming, no loading of big pictures. Booo.. that doesn't leave me much to do as the blogs I read are full of pictures.

My keyboard is sort of deterioriating.. the buttons... and I've completely lost a key. I believe it was the Alt key on the right of my space bar... oh well... who needs 2 Alt keys anyway.

I saw on the front of a magazine @ Superstore in the check-out line that Kristen + Robert from Twilight are dating. hah.

Ah I just saw this on my Xanga subscription to Lovelyish! Knitted coffee sleeves! So cute, eco-friendly, and perfect for sipping that Vanilla latte during the Winter! The red + cable knit pattern is super cute, too. Cozy. Can someone make me a couple of those as an early Christmas present?? I can't knit for the life of me :( (wow these are selling for $18 HERE! aha they sell some very neat + creative things on that website!)

I'm also drawn to owl-ish things...

OH I found some things I can do online that won't bug my brother's game! Gn