Guh talk about unfairness in the workplace. There's this relatively new girl - let's just call her W -- she's only been here for 3 weeks and has only worked day-time shifts (ie. not as busy shifts) as a busser and host. There's also F and R who have been hosting and bussing for longer than W has. F has been here for more than a month and has mainly worked night shifts and he works really hard and is an awesome host. The boss says F is going to start serving soon. R is both serving and hosting now (she only just started serving a couple weeks ago) but she's been here like 2.5-3 months and is also an awesome host (like, really good!). The unfair part is that W is starting to serve already and F hasn't even started and F has been here longer and has worked more shifts -- esp. night shifts. Also, apparently W bombed her first and only night hosting shift and it wasn't even a weekend! How it works is that you're supposed to have MASTERED hosting before you serve. The boss made it very clear. Now how fair is that? I don't mind W -- tbh, I've only met her twice and haven't even seen her work but from my impression, she's nice. She's also mixed (but a bit of a butterface) if that has anything to do with why she got promoted so quickly.. and the fact that she's a girl... I think maybe the boss thinks girls sell more + get better tips... I don't know.. it doesn't affect me but I just can't seem to shake this from my mind. I'd be pretty annoyed if I were F or R especially because they've proven to be quite an asset to the company.
I've run out of my decent conditioner! Noooo now I don't even want to wash my hair... this weather...
I need to buy some good body lotion and more hand lotion (Glysomed is surprisingly good (and cheap!)! I think I bought a bad batch last time.. will give it another shot)... I'm cracking all over! I also need eye cream!
Painted my nails red for Xmas! Apparently looks fake =( OPI nail polish is amaaazzinnnggggg though-- I did 2 coats + 1 coat of Sally Hansen top coat and they don't chip or scuff up at all! Even after I have to use my nails to scrub oil off tables! Amaaaazzingggggg
Ah... so glad there's no more school! 2 weeks ago on a Sunday, I'd be thinking "Hm.. I should do my homework due tomorrow since I have work tonight... but then I have to shower and stuff so no time".. and then when I get home, I realized I have to stay up a few more hours to do my homework! But not anymoreeeee I'm free! I only have Xmas things to think about. Deck the halls!
Found another Chictopian I love love love! Style4style.
She wore this to her first day of school! lol
Great outfit
I need this blazer..... but it's vintage booo
Don't do converses though... wish she wore ankle boots/heels of some sort
Trying to find that LaRok skirt...
So pretty her hair here is perfect!

I need to buy some good body lotion and more hand lotion (Glysomed is surprisingly good (and cheap!)! I think I bought a bad batch last time.. will give it another shot)... I'm cracking all over! I also need eye cream!
Painted my nails red for Xmas! Apparently looks fake =( OPI nail polish is amaaazzinnnggggg though-- I did 2 coats + 1 coat of Sally Hansen top coat and they don't chip or scuff up at all! Even after I have to use my nails to scrub oil off tables! Amaaaazzingggggg
Ah... so glad there's no more school! 2 weeks ago on a Sunday, I'd be thinking "Hm.. I should do my homework due tomorrow since I have work tonight... but then I have to shower and stuff so no time".. and then when I get home, I realized I have to stay up a few more hours to do my homework! But not anymoreeeee I'm free! I only have Xmas things to think about. Deck the halls!
Found another Chictopian I love love love! Style4style.
She wore this to her first day of school! lol

Don't do converses though... wish she wore ankle boots/heels of some sort

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