I think everyone needs to give certain types of shampoo + conditioners a 2nd chance. It's like a test -- sometimes you just have off days and it doesn't turn out the way it's supposed to... doesn't fulfill its potential... and that just ain't fair (for the product, of course). Today I had such a terrible hair day -- I hate putting my hair up in a ponytail but I have to for work... and during lunch, I brilliantly decided to sit outside to eat even though it wasn't that nice.. and I sat under the tarp too!! Now, why didn't I remember that Nad told me to be careful about those drn birds... I got pooped on!! My hair!! Anyway, so I washed it and used Avalon Organic Nourishing Conditioner (Ylang) which is supposed to make my hair soft and shiny (glisten-y) (or maybe it was the bird's naturally excreted drippings...). Before, it did absolutely nothing for my hair, but today, well, I don't have a mirror nearby so I can't check how shiny it is, but my hair is drn soft!!! [Pets]
Well.. that was pointless.... this is what I write when I don't think about what I'm going to write... [sidenote: I actually have more conditioner than shampoo now! That NEVER happens!!!] like when I speak without bothering to think it through...
Well.. that was pointless.... this is what I write when I don't think about what I'm going to write... [sidenote: I actually have more conditioner than shampoo now! That NEVER happens!!!] like when I speak without bothering to think it through...
Work was good today -- more touristy customers as usual [love] - all so nice and friendly [love].
My coworkers are all amazingly nice [love] and patient [love]. Work doesn't go by quickly, but it doesn't go by slowly either, and it's never boring.
The only thing is that they don't really tell me certain things -- like I had no idea my schedule was posted on this thingy... noone mentioned it to me. You'd think they'd give me a sheet or something, telling me my schedule for the next month... and noone gave me the phone number for the place either.. yea. Gotta ask - everything is "find out for yourself", and they'll tell you how to do it correctly the next time, which can be a good thing.
I brought home a bunch of bread today.. kaiser buns, panini, hot cross buns, a French loaf, a cinnamon loaf, 2 white chocolate raspberry mousse's, BBQ cheese bun, and a bunch of random bagels. I really shouldn't bring them home... the appeal of these things will diminish soon (I hope). It's just that I'm always going to close the bakery so when we pack up, we have to put away all the breads (can't keep or they go to the homeless.. and trust me, the homeless get a LOT) or back to the bread factory to be made into bread crumbs.
I found this site called Lookbook.nu where people from around the world post pics of their fashionable selves + style + tell ppl where they got each piece (a lot like Wardrobe Remix) + other ppl can comment or "hype" them.. which, I think, is equivalent to giving them a thumbs up on their choice.
Some very cool pics and fashion-types! The post-ers can make up their own titles too haha - some are pretty creative.
I haven't had time to really dig through it, but here are a few of my favourite saves:
Don't like the bag nor the jellies (shoes), but that cropped-pant + top combo + material + the colours (which may be PSed but still... ) + the whole silhouette and feel (a bit asian with the light yellow brocade pants + shape together with the floor detail) makes my jaw drop. SO COOL

In this one, the clothes and laid-back pose together + the shades of gray really make this picture!
(I just realized the low cut white shirt)

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