Monday, February 11, 2008

A Night With The Kiddos

Although this is my 3rd post today, I can't help but post pictures from last night.
I went to my Auntie Eliza's house for dinner. Had (super yummy) Thai takeout.

When I came in the door, Kyle was super excited to show me his creation: his teddy bears strapped in. They were going on a trip!
In Erin's super girly room (side note: her bed is bigger than my bed!) with her Minnie Mouse hat
She made me try it on and wanted to take a picture but for some reason waved her hand in front while taking.
So here's another try with the kids-sized hat. This reminds me of hallowe'en when I was young. I was once Minnie Mouse and I had a hat like this from Disneyland.
She's pretty steady w/ my cell!
After dinner, she wanted to play Beach. I've never played that before. We cut starfish (on the ground) and waves (as you can see taped on the far wall) out of construction paper and made a really nice sun but I forgot to take a picture of that. She got her beach towels out and made everyone wear a hat (visor). Kyle wanted to play but here's Erin telling him he can't 'cause he's not wearing a hat.
So he got a hat lolll
That's his Chinese New Year coat from the g'rents and he's doing his partial kissy face.
lol he loves pictures and wants to be in every one so we took pictures together. I cut myself out for obvious reasons.
Here's another attempt at a picture xept he pushed my visor down.
Erin was showing Kyle how to be the lifeguard. Hm - I thought they were supposed to watch what's happening in the water? Btw, Erin made me a visor similar to the one she's wearing w/ a pink crown + a heart.
Head stands! Safe ones. Ready? Set?
Legs up!!
Always fun with these two!

1 comment:

Nat said...

omg! too cute! i'm so jealous (again)..