A couple days ago, Erin, my 5 year old cousin, bought a doll when we went shopping together @ Metrotown. My aunt has just informed me that she has named this blonde, blue-eyed doll "TASHA" (after me -- my cousins call me Tasha).
Oh neat - that 23 year old who posts her outfit on StyleDiary that I more-than-mentioned in my previous blog was raved over in StyleHive today! What a coincidence.
I have JJLin's "westside" CD on. I love it! Reminiscing of HK when I had not a care in the world... and knew for sure I'd be shopping and eating good food within the next 12 hours lolll
I had my first "real" day of work @ the UBC Bookstore today. 8:30AM-1:45PM w/ a 15 min break. I really enjoyed it! I love the busy-ness and all the customers... reminds me of my time @ the 88 Cents Store. Time went by really quickly 'cause I was constantly w/ a customer. They've got it pretty darn organized this year. There are around 22 cashiers and there's someone telling ppl where to go next, lots of supervisors to help us newbies when we get stuck and restock us with staplers/plastic bags/money/return-policy cards, and goodies given to us cashiers to help us stay awake like "Red Bull chocolate" (that doesn't work), and Red Bull drinks (hmm... I gave that one away). You can tell the bookstore really values their staff. We're treated really well. I like the ppl I'm working with too - they're fun. Every day of the week during Rush (1st 2 weeks of every semester), the staff bring treats for us. Today was healthy: veggies + dip and fruit. Other days there are donuts/ice cream/.. and even chair massages!
hehe not to brag, but I must say I am one speedy cashier! No mistakes today either except for the confusing mixup in the morning. We have to go to the accounting office to get our money to put in the register. They told me that I was "Flag 8, Register 11"... so I went to register 11! I was wrong though -- supposed to be register #8... which was still Flag 8.
It's interesting seeing what type of students (appearance-wise) take which courses.
From my observations:
- the girls taking astrology really are pretty (and all White from my experiences today)
- Those taking Geography are pretty average
- Business and Economics has a mix of good looking ones and not-so-good looking
- Mechanical Engineers are either very geeky/unhygienic/a bit hobo-looking.. and quiet
- Psychology is a mix too
- English consist mainly of White people who are a bit.. unique... and not as friendly as those from other faculties.
It's interesting seeing what type of students (appearance-wise) take which courses.
From my observations:
- the girls taking astrology really are pretty (and all White from my experiences today)
- Those taking Geography are pretty average
- Business and Economics has a mix of good looking ones and not-so-good looking
- Mechanical Engineers are either very geeky/unhygienic/a bit hobo-looking.. and quiet
- Psychology is a mix too
- English consist mainly of White people who are a bit.. unique... and not as friendly as those from other faculties.
My ears are still ringing a bit from Plush on Friday..... gotta be careful in the future =( My poor sensitive ears!
My shoulders were sore this morning. I felt as if I went snowboarding the day before even though I didn't even touch snow (until this morning... walking down to Renfrew Station at 7:30AM). I think it's b/c I did a ton of squats the day before using 17 pound dumbbells on each hand.......
Yesterday night, Kimchi's mom, Jenny (we call her Jlo 'cause her last name is Lo) cooked dinner for my family at our house. We had such a gourmet treat! Seared giant scallops on shallots, fresh shitake mushrooms with onions and garlic in white sauce with orzo, roasted green beans and grape vine tomatoes, and roasted mini squash/pumpkin thingies (we roasted the seeds too). She was all into the presentation too so she sprinkled paprika around the plate and added lemon zest and a slice of lemon on the side! We never knew she could cook! I hope she can come over more often. That was a pretty darn good meal.
I'm already dreaming of my Spring/Summer 2008 shoes...
My Spring + Summer shoe: T-strap sandals! I bought a pair of gold-chained t-strap sandals in Taiwan's Shilin nightmarket + I wore them so much! They're very comfortable (I could probably jog in them) and you can use them to dress up or down.
These Dolce Vita Aegean Patent T Strap Sandals [$80] (also available in black and gray + white faux snake) are nice, but they're different from mine. Mine was more of a mix of a flip flop + gladiator shoe.

This is most similar to mine.. xept black!
Too bad it's 2006 stock....

Maria Bonita Extra Chain Sandal (no longer in stock @ ShopBop)
Ooolala - this one looks like it can be for someone older though with that sort of chunk + kind of distressed brass. It'd look great when I'm 30+

Dolce Vita seems to be a rising star in the shoe industry! I noticed their shoes last year on Urban Outfitters.. but that was when UO wasn't here in Vancouver yet. I really love their shoes though. Great style + not outrageous prices!
Dolce Vita Athens-4 [$70]

Here's a dress from C&C California that, if made in white, would totally make the outfit!
[On sale for $82.80 from $138]
It's these sort of dresses that look potentially great on the hanger but don't look that great on a person... unless they ARE going for the Greek goddess look.

Found another great fashion blog! Closet Therapy
My 2-second poem:
are ugly
but good for you
a bit like vegetables
from a child's point of view
but good for you
a bit like vegetables
from a child's point of view
Ah. Birks. You seem to be very popular in Hong Kong... yet, you are the epitome of ugly... well, next to Uggs and Crocs. A lot of people wear you. That must mean one thing ---- they know better.
The Birkenstock look has been described a lot of different ways. But perhaps the most accurate description is “anatomically correct.” Our footbed mimics the shape of a healthy human foot. Your healthy human foot. It lets your toes spread out to their natural positions. Most shoes force you to conform to designs that are more conducive to bunions and corns than overall foot health. Call us crazy, but we opted for healthy feet.
Ah. That got me right there... so asearchin' I go!Would you wear them? If so, which one?
(They look soo much better on kids...)
Cactus Nubuck Isis [$110]

Olive Suede Arizona [reg. $110 on sale for $79.99]

White Leather Gizeh [reg. $110 on sale for $79.99]

Soft Footbed Black Nubuck Orlando [$120]

White Birko-flor Madrid [$70]
Probably the only one I'd wear. Also available in silver and black.
Description: The original that started it all. Known as the Birkenstock Fitness Sandal in Europe, this design tones the foot and calf muscles while improving circulation. This timeless one strap features our famous contoured footbed, fully adjustable strap and shock absorbing EVA sole. Available in a variety of materials and colors.

I will go take a look when it gets closer to Spring.
I've tired from necklaces -- I'm really into bracelets + rings!!
I'm adding a couple of new things onto my "Closet Lust" list...
- Frederic Fekkai Shampoo + Conditioner (next time I'm going down to Sephora.. I'm picking these up!)//and/or Shiseido Shampoo + Conditioner//and/or Biolage Shampoo + Conditioner
- Bare Escentuals/i.d. Bare Minerals Kit
Again, sorry for the very random, disorganized posts. I post things that are on my mind that I want to post about now... that can't wait tomorrow 'cause then I'd have something else to post about.
I'm going to take a shower now.
P.S... what's w/ all these weird (sometimes OLD like 1975) guys adding me on Facebook.
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