Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays To All!

Did you know that in Korea and Japan, Christmas is a romantic event instead of of family-based one here? It should be both!

I had a pretty relaxing Christmas Eve. I usually have a Christmas dinner for both sides of my family - one on Christmas Eve and one on Christmas Day.. but this year, both dinners are on Christmas Day so my family could only make one -- the one we're hosting at my house (Dad's side). It turned out to be OK because we saw my mom's side at the family dinner yesterday. So today, I went to B's house (w/ M) and she dyed my hair! Thanks! It's still a brown - a light-medium brown... not at all what's on the box. I used Loreal Paris's Preference dye. I have no idea what dyes are good or not.. so I just quickly scanned the aisle and chose whichever one I thought looked good. It's alright. I just find that it looks weird when my eyebrows are so dark! Butchea - I hope it turns darker from washing. We also watched part of the M-Flo concert too! It's so energetic! M-Flo consists of 2 guys: DJ Taku Takahashi and emcee (rapper) Verbal -- really neat music.
If I were to throw a HUGE party, I'd want M-flo, Big Bang, DBSK, and Lee Hom to perform. I seem to have a thing for male groups haha but wowww that party would be the BEST even for those who don't even listen to Asian music!

Anyway, after I went to Diana's house where we helped her aunt make food and of course ate 'til we were stuffed. Her aunt makes cooking look so easy and I love learning how she makes things. Of course D's house has a LOT of chocolate.. so I helped finish her Ferrero Rocher even though I have some at home.... we also played some games -- like the sheep game! I think I want to get that game. It's easy to play and funnnn

My laptop's battery will die in 1 minute -- I don't know if I'll have time to blog tomorrow. If I don't, Merry Christmas!!!
I just remembered I didn't get back to my "43 days of Christmas" countdown haha - I've been too busy to do that.

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