Thursday, January 15, 2009


OH MY I'm worn out. Too much work (fun), too little sleep. I'm happy to get a day off tmr... xept I brought work home with me sooo no rest, really! So foggy yet dry - I had to cream my hand so often today b/c of the dryness in the office and b/c of all the paper I was handling. Too zzzzzz to write... so as I promised I'm bringing my digi around everywhere... and here are some of the results!

A couple pictures from my States trip:
Jessica Simpson shoes @ Macy's -- elastic strappy front and full zippered back! Kinda cool.
My Auntie Sandy with those dog bags.................... they do fit well under the armpit, though!
@ Trader Joe's... which is like Capers - a lot of it is organic and healthy... but cheaper -- cashiers
Oh yea, Nad -- we saw Miss Becky here! She has short hair now but still very recognizable!
At every aisle end there were these sorts of displays... and their description made me want to buy every one! I ended up getting 3 items from the 10 displays.
@ work, waiting to be cashed out... Henry dans camo haha
Yinny and I labeled them! So cute, eh?
I wrote this! Chao mei = strawberry.

Here's a few pictures from Celebrities on Tuesday with Artemis and Devin:
I'd totally go again! Except, well, later in the night when the music gets better.
Being immature... hehehehhe
After a freaky lady ruined our first picture...
A + me aw!
I'm such a tea-addict these days... my teeth are yellowing. Dentist this Saturday!

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